
Female / 24 years / Virgo / online!

Broadcast duration, minutes 8

Number of viewers 71


LanguagesEnglish, Russian
Bust sizeSmall
Butt sizeSmall
Hair colorBrunette
Eye colorBrown

About me

Virtual model💗 I'm not looking for relationships here! Webcam for me is first and foremost about making money! All I can offer you is to have a great time. I respect myself, value my time, and I want the same from you!


Virtual model💗 I'm not looking for relationships here! Webcam for me is first and foremost about making money! All I can offer you is to have a great time. I respect myself, value my time, and I want the same from you!

I like

man who is generous, charismatic, and values the time and attention given to him!


I don’t take off my mask, everything is most frank in private! Cat, having selected an action from the type menu, pay there (joystick icon). I will consider tokens sent to the general chat as a gift ❤

Мужчина щедрый, харизматичный, ценящий время и внимание, уделенные ему!

Нежные поцелуи, массаж, куни, доминация партнера

Gentle kisses, massage, cunnilingus, partner domination

I don't like

Impertinence (free requests or bargaining), aggression


Наглость (бесплатные просьбы или торг), агрессия

Men who insult girls and don't keep their word.

Мужчины, которые оскорбляют девушек и не держат свое слово. Мне не нравятся понты, мужчина ценен поступками - помни об этом)

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