
Female / 19 years old / Virgo

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Bust sizeSmall
Butt sizeMedium
Hair colorBlonde
Eye colorBlue

About me

Creator of pseudo-art load "portrait for a hundred" or amateur rhymed prose. A perfectionist and a bit of a stylist at heart. Just try to find out closer, maybe not everything is as clear as it seems. Alien language :o


Creator of pseudo-art load "portrait for a hundred" or amateur rhymed prose. A perfectionist and a bit of a stylist at heart. Just try to find out closer, maybe not everything is as clear as it seems. Alien language ✨

Creator of pseudo-art load "portrait for a hundred" or amateur rhymed prose. A perfectionist and a bit of a stylist at heart. Just try to find out closer, maybe not everything is as clear as it seems. Alien language :o

Создатель псевдоискусства по типу "портрет за сотку" или любительская рифмованная проза. Перфекционист и немножко в душе стилист. Просто попробуй узнать ближе, может не всё так однозначно, как кажется. Инопланетный язык :з

I like

Hot male sex, with a creative and approach to the implementation of their ideas


Горячий мужской пол, с креативным и подходом к осуществлению своих идей

Hot male sex, with a creative and approach to the implementation of their ideas

Горячий мужской пол, с креативным и подходом к осуществлению своих идей

I don't like

rudeness, disrespect for personal boundaries, stupidity


грубость, неуважение личностных границ, глупость

грубость, неуважение личностных границ, глупость

rudeness, disrespect for personal boundaries, stupidity

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