
Female / 29 years / Leo

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NameAkirA_ (Villanelle)
Bust sizeSmall
Butt sizeLarge
Hair colorBrunette
Eye colorBlue

About me

My name is Sonya. Thanks for coming to my room. I hope for your adequacy and understanding. I don’t answer stupid questions, I don’t fulfill requests without tokens - we respect our and my time, thank you.


My name is Sonya. Thanks for coming to my room. I hope for your adequacy and understanding. I don’t answer stupid questions, I don’t fulfill requests without tokens - we respect our and my time, thank you.

I love the attention of men and women, I love to give positive emotions

My name is Sonya, I'm 26 years old, my zodiac sign is Aquarius. Thanks for coming to my room. I hope for your adequacy and understanding. I don’t answer stupid questions, I don’t fulfill requests without tokens - we respect our...

My name is Sonya. Thanks for coming to my room. I hope for your adequacy and understanding. I don’t answer stupid questions, I don’t fulfill requests without tokens - we respect our and my time, thank you.

I like

Меня возбуждает твоя уверенность, когда мужчина или женщина понимает, что хочет получить. Возбуждает, внимание и флирт. Щедрые и добрые мужчины\женщины.


Your confidence excites me when a man or woman understands what he wants to receive. Excites, attention and flirting. Generous and kind men/women.

I don't like

Empty chatter in DMs, spam.


Пустой трёп в ЛС, спам.

Rudeness when they waste my time just like that and stupid questions.

Торгаши, хамло, попрошайки.

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